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Kid Workshop organised by Ecofect - February 27th, 2020
Lyon 1 Open University
The mission of the Lyon 1 Open University is to raise public awareness on the latest research advances and give everyone a chance to ask questions on current scientific issues. Every citizen (without any limitation of age or education) has the opportunity to attend public conferences and workshops given by university teachers and researchers in the science, technology and health domains.
Nearly 200 conferences, workshops, public debates and visits are organized each year.
More information : HERE
Ecofect workshop : Bacteria my friends!
Let's meet together - children, parents, grandparents and researchers - around a board game made in LabEx ECOFECT to have a playful time while learning more about the "good" bacteria that are present in our stomach, but also on our skin or in our mouth: what are these bacteria? Where do they come from? What is their usefulness? ... So many questions that we will try to answer together.
Workshop open to 6 children, from 8 to 12 years old, and 6 accompanying adults.
Workshop organised and run by par Dominique Pontier (Professor & LabEx Ecofect Co-coordinator), Isabelle Weiss et Charlotte Streicher (LabEx Ecofect Management Team).
from 10am to 12am
Campus Lyon Tech - La DOUA
Bâtiment Mendel
Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Evolutive
24 avenue Gaston Berger (access by the Patio)
69100 Villeurbanne
Informations & registration (by email) :
- Open University : HERE
Workshop related to the conference cycle entitled "Qui sommes-je ? Qui suis-je ? Conflit et coopération en évolution", coordinated by Fabrice Vavre, Research Director at the Biometry and Evolutive Biology Laboratory (LBBE, UMR CNRS 5558, Lyon 1 University / Ecofect).