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POP'SCIENCES Festival - 2nd edition
From May 17, 2019 to May 18, 2019
Every two years, the Pop'Sciences Festival, organised by the University of Lyon and its associated institutions, is installed at the heart of the city to offer to a large audience various animations, scientific games, conferences, and exhibitions around the world of research.
During two days, neighbourhood residents had the opportuniy to discuss with more than 250 researchers and 80 scientific mediators and debate on science. Get-together events have taken place in various formats favoring exchange and discussion: conferences, workshops, quizzes, round tables, world-café, exhibitions, etc.
As for the first edition in 2017, the LabEx Ecofect proposed a public animation in collaboration with the LabEx CORTEX, DevWeCan, Lio and Primes: a giant Goose Game for youngs and adults where you need to answer scientific questions to move forward!
See pictures of the event here.