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Science Festival - October 5-13th, 2019

The Ecofect LabEx is participating each year to the Lyon Science Festival by proposing several animations and outreach activities to school pupils and general public. The Science Festival is taking place each year in October. The proposed outreach activities include scientific games, conferences, direct exchange with the LabEx scientists, etc... Find out more about the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes full programme here

Ecofect is organising these animations in collaboration with five other LabEx from the University of Lyon (COMOD, CORTEX, DEVWECAN, LIO and PRIMES) on the 'Scientific Village' of the IUT (University Institute for Technology) - Lyon 1 University Campus in Villeurbanne.  More informations 


Science Festival video

Giant Scientific Goose Game

Saturday 12 October 2019

Scientific animation developed and co-organised with the Labex COMOD, CORTEX, DEVWECAN, LIO and PRIMES from the University of Lyon.

This giant Goose Game offers an opportunity for youngs and adults to compete in teams on a race full of pitfalls and scientific questions. It is up to you to brainstorm and find the right answers to arrive first on the finish line!

The scientific questions have been developed for all ages within the scientific domains of the 6 LabEx (Neurosciences, Cancer research, Infectious diseases, Sciences of the Universe, Imaging technologies, Humanities).

For more information, please contact Isabelle Weiss (LabEx Ecofect) - Email
Goose game 2019
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My PhD for Dummies

Saturday 12 October 2019

Event developed and co-organised by the Labex COMOD, CORTEX, DEVWECAN, ECOFECT and PRIMES.

Have you already been in front of a PhD student passionately talking about her/his thesis topic for long minutes, an endless monologue full of incomprehensible items, at the end of which you still haven't understood on what she/he was working??!! 'My PhD for Dummies', is thus an event offering the possibility to all to understand very quickly (in 3 minutes or 180 seconds ... if you prefer ;-)) what the students of our LabEx are working during three hard years. The public audience is voting for the best presentation !

Event accessible to adults / young adults. Since 2018, the event is directly translated in sign language by interpreters from the company Ex Aequo.
For more information, please contact Isabelle Weiss (LabEx Ecofect) - Email
'My PhD for dummies' 2019
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Our students from the 2018 edition of 'My PhD for Dummies'

Our students from the 2017 edition of 'My PhD for Dummies' 

Léa Picard, 2019 edition

Tony Rochegüe
, 2019 edition

Marlène Roy
, laureate of the 2018 edition

Guillaume Carrillo, 2017 edition

Denis Lacabanne, 2017 edition

More videos on our Youtube channel!