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Scientific project & Key figures
The objective of the Ecofect LabEx is to strengthen our knowledge on infectious diseases and how they affect the evolution of organisms, to better prevent the development of epidemics and to fight against them in more efficient way.
► How global changes transform human and animal diseases
► Towards integrated diagnostics and fairer treatments
► Basic and clinical research
► Towards integrated diagnostics and fairer treatments
► Basic and clinical research
The LabEx Ecofect has built a new community of researchers, based on the complementarity of different areas of excellence existing in Lyon: virologist, bacteriologists, immunologists and clinicians from one hand, and ecologists, evolutionists, mathematicians and bio-informaticians on the other hand.
Ecofect is using the latest tools in molecular virology, microbiology, immunology and structural biology, but also highly developed methods and technologies in mathematical modeling, bio-informatics, 'omic' analyses, analytic biochemistry and imaging, new high-tech tools for monitoring animal populations (biologging), and a strenghten collaboration between field work and lab experimentation.