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Technology transfer and Industrial partnerships
Lyon, an exceptional innovation ecosystem
Ecofect benefits from an exceptional and stimulating local innovation landscape in the infectious disease domain. Lyon, 2nd French region for its academic and private research potential, gathers more than 2000 infectiology researchers and three of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies: Sanofi Pasteur for human vaccines, Biomérieux for bacteriological diagnosis and Boehringer Ingelheim for veterinary products.
Among the 34 Ecofect research teams, 14 are implicated in the Technology Innovation Institute in Microbiology BioAster and 15 in the International Center for Research in Infectiology (CIRI); 4 are situated on the LyonTech La Doua university campus and 17 on the Lyon Sud side, a major economic pole in the Health domain. These teams have specific expertises for the proper study of infectious diseases, including immunology, microbiology and cell biology.
Among the 34 Ecofect research teams, 14 are implicated in the Technology Innovation Institute in Microbiology BioAster and 15 in the International Center for Research in Infectiology (CIRI); 4 are situated on the LyonTech La Doua university campus and 17 on the Lyon Sud side, a major economic pole in the Health domain. These teams have specific expertises for the proper study of infectious diseases, including immunology, microbiology and cell biology.
Technology-transfer to the socio-economic world
Ecofect promotes several research dissemination actions and helps foster and accelerate the establishment of new industrial partnerships through the development of pre-industrial studies, transfer of know-how & technologies (patent and software licensings, startup creations, ...). Collaborations between Ecofect and the national/local private sector have been strenghtened through the financing of 'Proof of Concept' projects and of interdisciplinary research projects involving industrial partners (e.g. BAT-NIPATH, Vivaldi). Finally, Ecofect's results emerging from the management of wildlife populations are valued through partnerships with the National Office of Hunting and Wildlife and with the veterinary industry, and particularly with Boehringer Ingelheim, the world's largest company for veterinary products.
Ecofect also works closely with the Tech-Transfer Office Pulsalys (SATT - Technology Transfer Acceleration Company) for the valorization of its most applied studies.
Ecofect also works closely with the Tech-Transfer Office Pulsalys (SATT - Technology Transfer Acceleration Company) for the valorization of its most applied studies.
CIFRE Grants
Several Ecofect teams have closed collaborations with industrial partners thanks to funded CIFRE grants with companies such as the following:

Startup creation
Aware of the necessity to protect their intellectual property and increase technology transfer, Ecofect teams have filed numerous patents (16 patent applications filed in the last 6 years) and created the following startup companies:

Several Ecofect teams have closed collaborations with industrial partners thanks to funded CIFRE grants with companies such as the following:
Startup creation
Aware of the necessity to protect their intellectual property and increase technology transfer, Ecofect teams have filed numerous patents (16 patent applications filed in the last 6 years) and created the following startup companies: