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Symposium / Seminar
On The February 27, 2020
From 10.00am to 12.00am
Campus Lyon Tech - La DOUA
Bâtiment Mendel
Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Evolutive
24 avenue Gaston Berger (accès par le hall du Patio)
69100 Villeurbanne
Let's meet together - children, parents, grandparents and researchers - around a board game made in LabEx ECOFECT to have a playful time while learning more about the "good" bacteria that are present in our stomach, but also on our skin or in our mouth: what are these bacteria? Where do they come from? What is their usefulness? ... So many questions that we will try to answer together.
Workshop open to 6 children, from 8 to 12 years old, and 6 accompanying adults.
Workshop organised and run by par Dominique Pontier (Professor & LabEx Ecofect Co-coordinator), Isabelle Weiss et Charlotte Streicher (LabEx Ecofect Management Team).
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Workshop organised and run by par Dominique Pontier (Professor & LabEx Ecofect Co-coordinator), Isabelle Weiss et Charlotte Streicher (LabEx Ecofect Management Team).
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