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Research Axis 2
Eco-evolution of microbial interactions
In an original way, Ecofect axis 2 aims, on the contrary, at understanding how different agents, infecting a single host, will interact with each other, being to the benefit of only one of them, or, on the contrary to the benefit of several infectious agents. This will allow a better understanding of the evolution of these microbes in their environment.
Collaborative projects
- 06 FÉVR.VMMTSS Project
Project leaders : Gérard Lina (CIRI) and Claire Prigent-Combaret (EM)
Co-leaders : Thomas Henry (CIRI) & Eric Tannier (LBBE)
- 06 FÉVR.ERMIT Project
Co-leaders : Marie Fablet (LBBE) & Maxime Ratinier (ENS)
- 06 FÉVR.ClonaRetro Project
Co-leaders : Renaud Mahieux (CIRI) & David Fouchet (LBBE)
- 06 FÉVR.ViBra-Flu Project
Co-leaders : Bruno Lina & Laurence Josset (CIRI) and Claire Bardel (LBBE)
- 06 FÉVR.VIVALDI Project
Co-leaders : Jean-Luc Berland (CIRI) & Samuel Venner (LBBE)