Symposium / Seminar | Research

SeMoVi 2019 Conference

On The October 15, 2019

Amphithéâtre SVT
ENS Lyon - Site Monod
Lyon Gerland

BioSyL is organising a novel edition of the SeMoVi Conference so that scientists coming from different horizons can meet, and bring out new synergies between the groups involved in Systemic Biology in Rhône-Alpes.

The Life Modeling Seminar (SeMoVi) is the result of a joint initiative of a large number of Rhône-Alpes research teams coordinated by BioSyL (Federative Research Structure regrouping teams working in Systemic Biology). Its ambition is to enable the development and structuring of a community in a region already rich in initiatives around the modeling of life (in the broad sense, from the modeling of molecular events,to clinical aspects). At a time when the interpretation and prediction of molecular, cellular or systemic phenomena are becoming more and more crucial for the researcher, meeting spaces, particularly at the regional level, seem necessary.

The SeMoVi 2019 Conference is proposing this year an exciting program with a special session dedicated to the 4D genome. As for the previous, the program includes local and international speakers as well as an unique mix of experimentalists and modellers.


Participation & Registration

Download the SeMoVi Flyer

For the ful program and registration procedure, please  Click here